The Dedicated Homeschool Tassel
Designed to be an international symbol to identify homeschool students in a special class of their own! A distinct recognition of the hard work, time, resources and dedication by not only the student but for their parent/s and all those that provided support all those years prior to this rewarding turning point in all their lives.
Cord colors: Black / White / Red / Blue / Yellow (color symbolism below)
Charm: Home Outline with Stack of Books Plus One Open Book Inside.
Tassel with Homeschool and Standard Year Charm Shown Here:
Tassel with Homeschool and “Bling” Year Charm (extra cost) Shown Here:
Homeschool Tassel Color Symbolism
Red symbolizes: action, confidence, courage, vitality
Red is the color of blood, and as such has strong symbolism as life and vitality. It brings focus to the essence of life and living with emphasis on survival. Red is also the color of passion.
Yellow symbolizes: wisdom, joy, happiness, intellectual energy
Yellow is full of creative and intellectual energy. Yellow symbolizes wisdom. Yellow means joy and happiness. Like the energy of a bright sunny day, yellow brings clarity and awareness.
Blue symbolizes: youth, spirituality, truth, peace
Blue is the color of inspiration, sincerity and spirituality. Artists use it to show perspective. It allows us to look beyond and increase our perspective outward.
Red / Yellow / Blue collectively symbolizes: The trinity of primary colors
Primary colors are those that cannot be made from mixing other colors. Instead, they are the source and foundation of all other colors. The three primary colors fold into white light. The three-fold power of the primary colors contribute towards the balance of our physical, mental and spiritual development.
White symbolizes: Purity, Cleanliness
Strictly speaking, white is not a color, but the manifestation of the presence of all color – the complete energy of light. It stands for wholeness and completion.
Black symbolizes: Earth, potential, possibility
Black is not a color, strictly speaking. It is the absence of all color. In a positive state, black is seen as a restful emptiness into which anything may emerge and disappear once again. It is also mysterious, providing a sense of potential and possibility. Native Americans thought black was good because it was the color of soil, which gives life.
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International HomeSchool Tassel is a product of Green Smart Consulting LLC.
Other GSC LLC Educational products: — A telling time / time management product